We’re looking forward to celebrating with our Virtual Run participants starting TOMORROW.
We guarantee the shortest bathroom lines and most available parking you’ve ever seen at a race!
The guidelines are simple:
- Complete your run between April 1 – 20, 2020
- Any location is valid, as long as it’s 13.1mi in one go
You are invited to also share photos from your run through the same form. Results and photos are live as galleries for you to view & celebrate with your fellow runners
Packets will be mailed the week of April 20. If you’d like to pick up a bib before your big run, those are available anytime on the porch of 1461 Edora Rd, Fort Collins.
We’ve added a few more categories to recognize folks who went the extra mile to make the day fun!
- Most elevation gain/loss
- Oldest Participant
- Youngest Participant
- Age Group Awards
- Furthest distance from Fort Collins!
- Awesome Race Photo!
- Stroller Power!
- Pooch Power!
Depending what creative stories & photos come in, we will likely make up more fun categories to recognize. All submissions are on the honor system.
Finally, if you are thinking of running the course on your own or with a small group of friends on the morning of April 19, know that there are dozens of others considering the same. Coming together as a large gathering – even accidentally – could present a serious health risk.
Please lead the running community in setting an example of health and safety by avoiding that possibility. Enjoy the infinite variety of options to run your virtual race anytime, anywhere between April 1 & 20.
Run strong and stay safe!
~ The Horsetooth Half Team & Fort Collins Running Club